Sweet Potato Fries with Blue Cheese Dressing

  • 8 Serves


    • 7
      American Sweet Potatoes, cut into ½ inch (1 cm) matchsticks
    • cup
      (75 mL) olive oil
    • ½ cup
      (125 mL) flour
    • 1 tbsp
      (15 mL) salt
    • 1 cup
      (250 mL) blue cheese dressing


    1. Preheat oven to 450 F (225 C).
    2. Line 2 baking sheets with aluminum foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray.
    3. In large bowl, combine sweet potatoes, oil, flour and salt; toss until well-coated.
    4. Spread sweet potatoes on foil in a single layer on both baking sheets, without overcrowding. Bake until cooked and crisp, about 20 minutes, stirring halfway through.
    5. Place blue cheese dressing in bowl and serve as a dipping sauce, or drizzle dressing over fries and serve.