2/3 CupRum Raisins (drained, see procedure below)
1/2 CupChopped Granny Smith Apple
3 CupsFlour
1/2 CupButter
6 TablespoonsButter
1 CupSugar
4 TeaspoonsGround cinnamon
4 TeaspoonsBaking Powder
2/3 TeaspoonSalt
1 CupMilk
1/2 CupRum
2/3 CupCalifornia Raisins
With a whisk, combine butter and sugar in a bowl. Add eggs and milk to the butter and sugar mixture. Mix gently.
Sift flour, cinnamon powder, baking powder, salt and add to the batter. Mix it well.
Add rum raisins and chopped apples to the batter. Mix gently until combined. Pour batter into mini muffin tin evenly.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in a preheated over at 350 degrees. Let cool for 5 minutes and sprinkle with cinnamon on top.
Measure 2/3 cup of California Raisins in a bowl. Pour 1/2 cup rum and cover. Refrigerate overnight.